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Product details
File Size: 842 KB
Print Length: 255 pages
Publisher: NYU Press (August 1, 2001)
Publication Date: August 1, 2001
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B004H0N01K
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,170,541 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This book traces the history of copyrights. The earliest British copyright laws were instruments of censorship. The publishers got monopoly power to print and distribute specific works. The book says that Thomas Jefferson expressed some serious misgivings about copyrights. Thomas Jefferson was suspicious of concentrations of power and artificial monopolies. While Thomas Jefferson acknowledged that a limited time copyright could possibly encourage some creativity, it could also do some harm to some people. The book points out that Thomas Jefferson maintained his skepticism about the benefits of copyrights for many years. Thomas Jefferson feared the monopolists could use their state-granted power to enrich themselves by the copyright holder having the power to create artificial scarcity by limiting access and fixing prices. This book is an interesting and relevant book to read.
I am not sure how I found this book - but I am glad that I did. In about 200 pages Professor Vaidhyananathan presents a very readable history of the copyright in the US and abroad.Originally added to the Constitution to encourage creativity and to improve the democratic process, the copyright has evolved into a series of complex rules that seem to work almost in the opposite direction of the original intent.Have you ever wondered how Mark Twain and Groucho Marx figured into the discussion of copyright issues? If so you can find out in this book - they both had very interesting roles. What about the diversity of legal opinions - from Lawrence Lessig, to the Ninth Circuit, to Mr. Justice Hand - all of who grappled with the rights of the few versus the rights of the many.Added to the history is an intelligent and readable discussion of the policy issues related to the copyright. What kinds of policies will balance the creator's incentives and at the same time improve the level of public discussions? How long should rights survive? What elements should be included in the copyright? What are the reasonable standards for parody? Should there be differing standards for databases, books, movies, music and computer programs? The risk for all of those questions is that they can evolve into hopeless discussions of legal absurdities. In effect, that is what happened with the Digital Millenium Copyright Act.But Vaidhyananathan does not let himself get stuck in all that goo - he deals with each of those issues and more in a concise and interesting fashion. At the same time he has the larger picture of the broader purposes of copyright.You will be challenged and fascinated by this book and the issues it raises.
Great read raises many questions about copyright and how we got to the point we are at with it in the digital era.
I don't agree with everything, but he seems to have a good grasp of the constitution and how commercial interests keep trying to thwart the intent of Article 8. Recommended.
I have been reading your book and am alternately exhilarated and despairing. From other research on the web on this issue, I keep seeing over and over that without copyright protection, people wouldn't have incentive to create. What a load of muck. Creative people NEED to create. They also need to not starve to death, of course. But creating things in and of itself is rewarding. If money is what motivates someone, they should become stockbrokers or something that more honestly reflects their values. I think that motivation by money, and creativity are almost mutually exclusive; once money becomes the motive, creativity is dead, or at least mortally wounded. I know the thrill of creating. I do art without any compensation at all, because I need to and want to, and have been a computer programmer for years, marvelling that someone was willing to pay me for something that is so much FUN! Creativity is inherently rewarding.
This semester my son and I were determined to purchase as many textbooks through Internet vendors to try and save some money. In fact one of his instructors did not order texts through the bookstore and wanted students to use the Internet. This book was one of them. It arrived in a short time and this experience will definitely make us try again purchasing texts through the Internet in future semesters.
... and we never ended up using it.You guys should really include a "can't review" box.The three stars in this case are only to indicate it is neither bad nor good.
Siva Vaidyanathan had translated a sometimes incredibly misunderstood concept/subject into a reasonably understandable story. And, even more incredibly, it was written by a non-attorney (Siva is a professor at the U. of Wisconsin, School of Information Studies). "Copyrights and Copywrongs" covers the history and bastardization of American copyright law. Siva attempts to make relatively simple suggestions for fixing our complex, arcane system of protecting intellectual property rights.Siva begins his "story" recounting in incredibly understandable terms, the history of the copyright ranging from the framing of the U.S. Constitution, the rights afforded musicians (recently challenged by the likes of ...) and of course, literary and digital works. Siva does not concentrate on the theoretical nature of this quagmire rather, he examines the issues as it relates to current issues and events making the content interesting and readable. He argues, very persuasively, that the current copyright laws in their punitive and restrictive form y hinder creativity and free expression. Further, he compellingly argues that the original intent of the laws were designed for flexible application to maintain cultural balance.The issues framed in this book encompass the very future of creativity vital to industry, commerce, and free expression. A very enjoyable read even given the somewhat difficult nature of the subject matter.
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