Free Ebook Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy, Updated (5th Edition) (New 2013 Counseling Titles)
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Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy, Updated (5th Edition) (New 2013 Counseling Titles)
Free Ebook Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy, Updated (5th Edition) (New 2013 Counseling Titles)
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From the Back Cover
Thoughtful and reflective, this best-selling text on marriage and family therapy opens with a groundbreaking discussion of value-sensitive care, the ecology of therapy, and acculturation. Armed with this extensive knowledge and insight, students then delve into the traditional and contemporary issues surrounding marriage and family counseling today, broken down into legal, ethical and professional considerations. The updated Fifth Edition includes a number of new topics, including multicultural issues reflecting institutional oppression; the significance of supervision in both skill acquisition and professional acculturation in one’s early career; nontraditional family care; conflicts between legal and ethical obligations; emerging issues in MFT licensure; and ethical and empirical considerations related to evidence-based care. New Features: New Ethical Code – An examination of the 2012 Code of Ethics of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. Case examples located in three special chapters allow readers to consider realistic client situations and considerations as they cover related topics and content in the text. “Reflections” features located throughout the text offer illustrations and accompanying stimulus questions that promote discussions and thought in graduate classes, group settings, or other forums of professional dialogue. A revised discussion of value-sensitive care and the ecology of therapy concerning layers of values and sources of power within families allow readers to examine the distinct and often competing personal and systemic factors affecting their care for clients. An emphasis on professional acculturation in decision-making provides pre-service counselors with a unique framework for examining dissonance and finding balance in the personal and professional roles of therapists. An examination of mandatory versus discretionary actions in ethical behavior helps students distinguish between the compelling requirements in ethical codes versus their responsible freedom for judgment based on their professional acculturation in ethical decision-making. An expanded discussion of multicultural concerns give readers the opportunity to consider both established and novel strategies for increasing their culturally sensitive care with individuals, couples, and families. Coverage of emergent legal issues and recent court cases give readers the opportunity to contemplate their existing therapy, supervisory, instructional, or research practices in light of contemporary legal decisions. Coverage of new professional issues and research allow readers to reflect upon the most current information affecting their professional identity, options for professional development, and anticipated challenges for care with individuals, couples, and families. A revised format and updated references provides students with an even more thoughtful presentation of information as well as a significant number of new references and resources.
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Product details
Series: New 2013 Counseling Titles
Paperback: 432 pages
Publisher: Pearson; 5 edition (January 17, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780133377446
ISBN-13: 978-0133377446
ASIN: 013337744X
Product Dimensions:
7.4 x 1.2 x 9.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
3.5 out of 5 stars
21 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#77,166 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Horrible. Do nooot rent under any circumstance.
I have used this book in the ethics class I teach, but be aware that the AAMFT Code of Ethics was updated again since this edition was published. After 11 years with no revisions, AAMFT revised its Code of Ethics in 2012 and again in 2015, so I feel for the authors having to try to keep up with this - they revised the 5th edition to incorporate the 2012 Code of Ethics revision. I'm really hoping the authors revise this again as they have done a great job in this and in earlier editions.
This is an awesome resource,,,unfortunately windows 8 does not support on kindle so I had to use my little computer to access...The read is very direct with lots of practice examples...a must read for any person going into this field of expertise...Highly recommend!
This book was required reading form my class on Marriage and Family Ethics. I was not too excited about reading yet another book on ethics, but once I started looking through the book I saw that this was not your normal dry ethics book. It had case studies that brought context and covered all the new changes in laws and polices that are current. It even covers other professional issuers for counselors such as supervision and licensure. I recommend this book if you want to be up to date in your practice. In the appendix it also includes sample documents for privacy polices and disclosure forms to help the clinician create their own that is up to standards. The most helpful part for me was a diagram of a decision tree, to help guide ethical decision making.
Interesting, if somewhat dense.
This book is very helpful to understand legal issues when working with clients.
I am very disappointed with the quality of this book. it seems like it was drawn in water. this book has highlighted all over.
Easy reader and it has the information needed
Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy, Updated (5th Edition) (New 2013 Counseling Titles) PDF
Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy, Updated (5th Edition) (New 2013 Counseling Titles) EPub
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Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy, Updated (5th Edition) (New 2013 Counseling Titles) Kindle
Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy, Updated (5th Edition) (New 2013 Counseling Titles) PDF
Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy, Updated (5th Edition) (New 2013 Counseling Titles) PDF
Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy, Updated (5th Edition) (New 2013 Counseling Titles) PDF
Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy, Updated (5th Edition) (New 2013 Counseling Titles) PDF
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Cool Smoke: The Art of Great Barbecue
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“Enjoyable…accessible…Stone is an exuberant, knowledgeable guide to backyard barbecuing.â€â€•Publishers Weekly"Barbecue-champion Stone delivers a thorough, well-organized, liberally illustrated handbook that will fully serve readers at any skill level, from casual weekend grillers to serious chefs whose sights are set on competing....Stone’s enthusiasm and competence jump off the page." ―Alan Moores, Booklist"In this brave new world of short attention spans, genuine mastery informed by passion is a rare commodity. I traveled to The Mideast with Tuffy to cook true BBQ for thousands of troops, produced television shows featuring him, even competed against the man in contests (no contest), and, unflappably, his clear-eyed command of this culinary art has transformed him into a sensei of smoked meat. Even more remarkably, he’ll share with you his lifetime of knowledge just for the asking. Other pitmasters famously cling to that one secret, but Tuffy Stone always opens wide his vault, which is deep and bountiful. And that’s what makes his first cookbook a genuine treasure."―John Markus, co-creator of BBQ Pitmasters, chief cook of competition team Central Pork West, and an Emmy and Peabody award-winning writer"The art of making world class Barbecue is deep rooted in “The Processâ€. Thousands of hours spent tending fires, designing recipes, and studying the science. Tuffy’s book is a brilliant journey through all those painstaking hours."―Billy Durney, Hometown Bar-B-Que"There are very few people in this world that know BBQ live BBQ and can actually teach you about the art of BBQ. Tuffy Stone is definitely one of those people!" ―John Tesar, Chef and owner of Knife Steak and Knife Burger, author of Knife: Texas Steak House Meals at Home "TuffyStone is the hardest working person in barbecue, always perfecting his craft, looking for the utopian bite. His dedication to the art of cooking makes him a master of not only barbecue, but any genre of cooking. I am always amazed by his food and can taste his heart and soul in every bite. Quite simply, he is the gold-standard of barbecue and an inspiration to me."―Melissa Cookston, World Champion Barbecue Pitmaster, Chef and Owner of Memphis Barbecue Company and Barbecue Hall of Fame Inductee“This timeless collection of recipes from a live fire master is a must have for any serious cooking enthusiast. Cool Smoke not only delves into the championship-winning barbecue Tuffy is famous for, but pushes well beyond the realm of pulled pork with a host of interesting ingredients and thoughtful dishes. A perfect mashup of chef and cook―Tuffy’s cooking is like a professional palate unleashed at a campfire.â€â€•Jess Pryles, cook, author, TV host, and co-founder of the Australasian Barbecue Alliance"A successful barbecue is a communal event, as is Tuffy Stone’s first book. Tuffy’s inviting charm welcomes the reader into his world of fire, smoke, and outdoor cooking. His recipes and techniques are a mix of tradition, science, creativity, and art, explained as a friend would, while sharing a grill."―Chris Lilly, World Championship Pitmaster, Big Bob Gibson Bar-B-Q“DAVID!!!DAVID! What in the world??? Are you licking that book??? My wife catching me licking the pages of Tuffy Stone’s new cookbook―it takes a real man to admit that he’s done something as foolish as getting caught licking the pages of new cookbook! Folks if you love great tasting barbecue and if you ever wanted to learn all the deepest dark secrets of mastering your grill from one of America’s most revered, award-winning barbecue pitmasters then you absolutely need to get this gorgeous barbecue cookbook. The recipes are beyond delicious, the pictures will cause you to drool, and what you smoke-up or grill-up will make you instant barbecue royalty in your neighborhood! Get you this cookbook now―you’re gonna love it “I guaran-damn-tee it!â€â€•Famous Dave Anderson, America’s Rib King and BBQ Hall of Famer, Founder of Jimmey’s Old Southern BBQ Smokehouse, and Famous Dave’s Legendary Pit Barbecue"Being a third generation barbecue man myself, I appreciate, and am proud of the folks who preserve the tradition of what it really means to cook it in it’s purest form. Tuffy Stone is one of those people. His book is a peek inside what it truly means, and where it comes from. Not just where to source protein, or ingredients, but where it really comes from, and that is the heart. Tuffy has a big heart, and his food comes from the soul. When you find talent, integrity, kindness, and passion in a person, you have a treasure. Tuffy Stone is that treasure, and I am honored to call him a friend."―Sam Jones, Third Generation Barbecue Man, Legendary Whole Hog Cook, and Owner of Sam Jones BBQ"Cool Smoke is a thoughtful collection of stories, techniques and well tested recipes that reflect the balance between discipline and meticulous craft that makes Tuffy one the best bbq cooks there is..."―Aaron Franklin, host of BBQ with Franklin and owner of Austin's Franklin Barbecue"Tuffy Stone is both a highly skilled chef and a seasoned pitmaster ― a winning combination that has led to unparalleled success on the barbecue circuit. Applying his meticulous and methodical manner and knowledge, he has written a book that will help any aspiring barbecue cook master the art of cooking with fire. This long-awaited tome will be a welcome addition to every barbecuer’s arsenal. Barbecue is as much a culture and a family as it is a food group and Tuffy epitomizes the spirit of barbecue. We are privileged to call him a friend."―Mike Mills and Amy Mills, authors of Praise the Lard and owners of 17th Street Barbecue
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About the Author
Tuffy Stone is a World Record-breaking champion pitmaster, a former Marine, a classically-trained chef, an acclaimed caterer, and an occasional reality television star. Dubbed “The Professor,†Tuffy’s legendary precision and obsession with the science of smoke make him one of the most influential people in barbecue. In the 13 years since he founded Cool Smoke Barbecue, the team has won hundreds of trophies including more than 40 Grand Championships and five World Grand Championships. Cool Smoke is the only team in history to have won the prestigious Jack Daniel’s Barbecue World Championship back to back and the only team to have won it three times, doing so in 2013, 2015, and 2016. As a result of his success on the competition circuit and his extensive knowledge of all things barbecue, he was selected to join Destination America’s show BBQ Pitmasters, in 2012. Tuffy’s life is barbecue has taken him all over the world including cooking for the troops in Kuwait, and heading to Meatstock in Australia to teach his famous Cool Smoke Barbecue Class. Most recently he cooked for sold out crowds at the James Beard House, a rarity for a barbecue pitmaster.
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Product details
Hardcover: 304 pages
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin (May 15, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781250137845
ISBN-13: 978-1250137845
ASIN: 1250137845
Product Dimensions:
9.8 x 1 x 8.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
40 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#40,195 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
perplexed by some of the negative reviews. Full disclosure I am a friend of Tuffy's and Meathead's (got a shout out in both books) How many times can you get the same four recipes? Some dont like the goose pastrami, fine. some may... But to murder a book that has the depth of knowledge and creative non ghost written recipes is not really to fair. What about the 16 rubs, 20 sauces? Spice rubbed brisket? Smoked Brisket Chili? Coffee Rubbed Cowboy Steaks? Rack of Lamb? How about the peach and blueberry crisp. The first chapters explaining smoke fuel and fire are priceless. I'd write more but Im cooking the salisbury steak with shitake mushroom gravy.
This is an excellent book for those wanting to learn from another expert. It's not a replica of some of the more comprehensive books from Meathead and others, but it's so helpful in learning Tuffy's techniques, particularly when it comes to rubs and some out of the ordinary recipes. Much of the book is focused on recipes, but there's only so much on basics that you can absorb, and for those looking for that, they might be better covered elsewhere. The images are absolutely stunning, better than anything I've ever seen. It's a great 2rd book to buy for your library. Franklin or Meathead would be number 1 and 2.
This is a BBQ book that you can actually just pick up and read. Having Steven Raichlen do the intro was a nice bonus ('Project Smoke' is another great book). I've already learned a few new things about keeping moisture in the smoker and making adjustments on the fly. Notably, some of these recipes have nothing to do with firing up a smoker. You might think that is like being invited to a BBQ and getting served hot dogs / hamburgers... that is a wiener roast not a BBQ. However, in this case, I am good with that - there are some great grilling ideas (for weeknights) and plenty of accompaniments.
Really liked the variety of recipes. Of course the typical BBQ but also maybe some recipes to take the average pitmaster into other areas of cooking and challenging their cooking abilities. Truly dont get the bad reviews whatsoever. Ive made ribs, pork and brisket a thousand times, so thanks Tuffy for going outside the box on other recipes
The photos in this cookbook are beautiful. If it’s true you eat first with your eyes than yum! The recipes deliver too! Made the smoked paprika Mac and cheese and the dill coleslaw. Both full of flavor and nice twists on classics. Looking forward to making more. We bought one as a gift as well.
Excellent! This cookbook has substance. After receiving my copy, I bought several more to give as gifts. A must have for anyone who enjoys cooking.
I learned about this cookbook from my local newspaper. I’ve tried several different recipes and have enjoyed each one. The recipes are easy to follow, with detailed information for preparing what looks like complicated meats.I look forward to trying some of the deserts.
Best Smoking Cookbook we’ve found. Taffy Stone is TOP NOTCH!
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Cool Smoke: The Art of Great Barbecue PDF
Cool Smoke: The Art of Great Barbecue PDF
Cool Smoke: The Art of Great Barbecue PDF
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Product details
File Size: 3509 KB
Print Length: 211 pages
Publisher: American Writers & Artists, Inc. (October 11, 2011)
Publication Date: October 11, 2011
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#69,642 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This is the best copy book I've read. By focusing on one aspect of copy. The lead, it made how to write copy a lot less confusing. Most importantly, I've always wanted a psychic awareness of knowing when a piece of copy will do well. This book has given me that and has boosted my confidence in writing copy tenfold. Thank you for this book. I know I will read it again and again.
If you've been following the AIDA, AIDCA, or emotional marketing formulas... And yet you still don't feel your message has strength and persuasion, then get this book.It's the next thing to master after having a catchy headline.The book tells you how to transition from the headline to the first sentence, then to the paragraph.You'll learn different types of prospects. Let's you choose how to custom fit your messages based on that too.The book teaches you to create that "hook".I wish the authors could have shared more examples. Really makes a good swipe file for amateurs like me.
One of the best copywriting books I've read to date. This is a must. Between your headline, and offer, the type of lead you write matters just as much. As Todd Brown put it, the rule of 3... your headline, lead and offer are the three most important components of your sales message. This short, but amazing book will teach you to write awesome leads.
This is among one of the greatest books about copywriting and the difference between words on a page and copy that moves you to act I’ve ever read.
One of the best books for headline and lead types. Very focused narrative. Can’t wait to implement them.Might need to read again
They do a great job of communicating some powerful marketing insights/nuances, and provide a framework for selecting and crafting the best sales hook for your unique situation. Highly recommended.
Crazy awesome. Both in the flow.. it's super swift to get sucked in and read the full book in a hurry.Plus, the examples in there really, really illustrate each point. Highly recommend it, I already re-readsome parts and need to make a habit of re-reading this every 4 months or so.
I was skeptical on how much value a $9 book written by a proclaimed Agora copywriter would offer. Knowing ahead of time that Agora copywriters are world-class and have extremely high conversion rates, I was expecting "Great Leads" to be exactly that - a lead generation book designed to get me into some sort of funnel to spend a ton of money on a more "advanced writing system".Throughout the whole book I was waiting for the death blow - "to learn more, opt-in here or buy this course", but it never came (After all, that is what writing great copy is all about!). This entire book is packed with tactical strategies to take your copy to a much higher level without a single sales pitch or back-end offer.IMHO, it is not for the beginner. First learn how to write B-Level copy (killer headlines, features, benefits, bullets, etc...) then use this to beef it up to A-Level work.More than just a tactical "how to", Great Leads provides some of the best swipe lead ins and breaks them down. Discover how just a few words and techniques make the difference between a flat line response and explosive, high-converting response.The book is worth the price alone just for the swipes and analysis. And, we are not talking ancient copy that was mailed decades ago. I am on some of Agora's lists and immediately recognized a few of the offers broken down in the book, they still arrive in my Inbox and mailbox.Quite frankly, I'm surprised that the secrets of the highest paid copywriters in the industry are revealed here so cheap. Take advantage and get your hands on a copy immediately. One tweak alone from this book will more than offset your cost and time to read it.