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, by Aimie K Runyan
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Product details
File Size: 1797 KB
Print Length: 368 pages
Publisher: Lake Union Publishing (November 6, 2018)
Publication Date: November 6, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#4,170 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Had i known the book was written in first person I never would have purchased it. For those of you who are Christians, you might want to skip this one due to the language and sex scene. It would be nice if books were required to have a rating system. This is a great book for feminist wannabes. The feminist rhetoric comes through loud and clear.
We've all heard of the 'hidden figures' of America's space program; the women 'heroes' without whose tireless and painstaking work the history of America's space program would be quite different.Did you know though that decades before, there was another group of 'hidden figures' in America's history? A group of women whose 'call to duty' would not be ignored or set aside.The brave women who served with the U.S. Army's Signal Corp in battle-torn Europe during World War I.In GIRLS ON THE LINE, Aimie K Runyan brings to life, in rich detail and engrossing narrative, the story of the 'hidden figures' in American history that predated those of America's space program. GIRLS ON THE LINE, a beautifully atmospheric set piece, is the story of a group of humble telephone operators in peacetime who became true heroines of World War I. These remarkable women, who more than once put themselves 'in harm's way', undisputedly changed the course of the war and in the process, saved countless lives.Ruby Wagner is from a prominent Philadelphia family, engaged to be married to the son of another prominent Philadelphia family. Ruby has everything that she could ever want - the comforts of a well-to-do family and the privilege that goes with that - a future of ease and comfort - marriage, albeit an arranged one, to a kindhearted, good and decent man.Everything she could want.Except true happiness.And true love.As much as Ruby loves her parents, and tries to live up to their expectations, she is also resolved to be 'her own' woman and make her own decisions about her life. Part of her 'strike' for independence is taking a job, despite her mother's vehement objections as a telephone operator with Pennsylvania Bell.When America enters the war, Ruby spends her days working the switchboards, rolling bandages for the Red Cross, and attending social functions where her mother 'grooms' Ruby for entry in to Mainline society. And then one day, in a cruel and ironic twist of fate, Ruby's family receives word that her older brother Francis has been killed on the muddy battlefields of Europe. When Ruby hears that the Army is looking for skilled telephone operators to join the war effort by enlisting in the U.S. Army's SignalCorp and going to Europe, where their vastly superior skills will be put to the test both behind and at the forefront of the battle lines, she knows in her heart that this is how she will honor her brother, and the countless others who lost their lives.Not by rolling bandages back home and indulging in all the comforts of being thousands of miles away from the war.All too soon, Ruby is serving overseas in a forward area, embroiled in intrigue - did someone say "spy in our midst?" - and, unexpectedly, romance.I'm going to stop here. To say anymore would be venturing into 'spoiler alert territory'.Great historical fiction doesn't just tell a story. It immerses the reader into a particular place and time in history, bringing to life characters and events so realistically that the reader feels they are actually 'there'.Aimie has done just that. Replete with the mores and manners of the period, the author weaves narrative and character effortlessly to create a tapestry rich in detail, mood and atmosphere. Her meticulous research lends such a degree authenticity one has to remind themselves that GIRLS ON THE LINE is a work of fiction. Personally, I am half-tempted to travel to the author'shome - that wouldn't be 'stalkerish', would it? - for a peek at the time machine she must surely have hidden away in her gardenshed.My sincere "Thank you" to NetGalley, Lake Union Publishing and the author, Aimie K. Runyan, for a free electronic ARC of this novel.
This novel taught me another little bit about WWI. Who knew switchboard operators were actually sent overseas? I had an aunt that did that type of work! Those women lived in uncomfortable and often unsafe houses and buildings. And they evidently kept the lines of communication open, even if they had to move to the woods to do it. Great historical novel.
I never knew anything about the women who worked in the Army during WWI as communication specialists, linking the soldiers on the front with the Generals back in the command centers giving them orders. This was an extremely interesting book but added an element of romance and love to spice things up. Also the descriptions of Philadelphia Society Main Line were most interesting to me a born & bred Philly girl but certainly not a Main Line girl! Read it , you will love this book.
Girls in the Line is a thoroughly charming novel about the experiences of a young American woman who volunteers to serve in the U.S. Army Signal Corps during World War I. It is also a book that gives insight into the social changes that would sweep through American society in the wake of that conflict. The author does an excellent job describing the challenges that women on the front lines in this war faced, but also showed how friendship and commitment allowed them to transcend society's beliefs about women's limited capabilities. The book is well written and the characters are likable and interesting. There is romance but no explicit sex scenes. While the realities of war are described the author does not immerse the book in gruesome details. The book is not, by any means, the greatest novel about World War I, but I finished the book in one sitting and enjoyed it immensely. I would recommend the book to anyone who enjoys light historical fiction.
Historically accurate and engaging, The Girls on the Line tells the story of World War 1 heroine, Ruby, who after a personal tragedy, feels she must help more in the war effort. Since I knew very little about the women who served beyond doling donuts and rolling bandages during that war, I learned a great deal. I would recommend it especially for young women.
I found this piece of historical fiction to be quite annoying to read. The book, even though written in first person, fails to encapsulate it's characters. The father character is inconsistent, the mother only exists as an antagonist, and the main character herself is hard to grasp and relate to.The writing was done well and the book pays attention to historical accuracy, but the main character is prone to self-righteous monologues and has very few faults, which the author makes very clear from the get-go. She is characterized as a modern feminist who is constantly under attack for her ideals. And while I am a feminist myself, the trope that the main character falls into is more like a Disney princess playing the victim rather than an inspirational female character. All we hear throughout the novel is 'woe is me, I'm so oppressed', and it's overdone to an extreme that takes away from the enjoyment of the novel. I don't think these themes are bad, per se, just overdone. The 'I am right in every situation and far superior while being both a feminist champion for women and humble and gorgeous at the same time' characterization is so off-putting and quite unrealistic.There is also a sex scene, please be aware.All in all, I would not recommend.
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PDF Download Foundryside: A Novel (The Founders Trilogy), by Robert Jackson Bennett
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Foundryside: A Novel (The Founders Trilogy), by Robert Jackson Bennett
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A TIME, PASTE, VULTURE, AND THE VERGE "BEST FANTASY BOOKS OF 2018" PICK“An absolutely riveting secondary world fantasy…I felt fully, utterly engaged by the ideas, actually in love with the core characters for their differences and the immensely generative friction between them, and in awe of Bennett’s craft. I went to bed late reading it and woke up early to finish it. A magnificent, mind-blowing start to a series I’m hungry for.”-- Amal El-Mohtar, New York Times Book Review“An excellent first novel in what promises to be another home-run series for Bennett [featuring] expert writing, complicated and distinct characters, and an intriguing, deadly, wonderful new city where reality can be shuffled like a deck of cards, provided you can justify it.” — “An epic, breathtaking novel that’s as much cyberpunk as it is fantasy…Bennett lays out a fantastic story ladened with fantastic characters, but it’s his take on magic that stands out here.”—The Verge“Bennett is endlessly inventive, equally adept at conjuring Tevanne’s world and magic and Sancia’s troubled heart and mysterious past, not to mention a robust cast of secondary characters. Even when it’s dark, this story is a joy.” —Vulture “Funny, exciting, pacy and gory, this terrific novel promises greater things to come.” —Daily Mail “A compelling treatise on power and its misuse.” —The Guardian"Magic-plus-industrialization with a grimy feel, [featuring] a distinctive setting and a novel technology of magic.” —The Wall Street Journal “Fun, thought-provoking, and wondrous…combines the action scenes and snarky banter of a summer blockbuster with the complex characters and keen-eyed societal critique of an Oscar-winner.”—Fantasy Faction “A sparkling entertainment…the genre-bending story starts at a run and never lets up.” —Barnes & Noble Sci-Fi & Fantasy “Foundryside’s main material elements — stinking canals, chatty keys, neurotic locks — aren’t your typical fantasy trappings. Bennett wields them with great charm and apparent ease in order to communicate the novel’s core concerns: the unfairness of inherited power and the addictive quality of wealth.” —Nisi Shawl, The Seattle Times “An imaginative epic that is a reading delight.” —SFF World"A stunning fantasy [from] the endlessly inventive Bennett...a crackling, wonderfully weird blend of science fiction, fantasy, heist adventure, and a pointed commentary on what it means to be human in a culture obsessed with technology, money, and power."—Publishers Weekly (starred review)"Mona Lisa meets The Matrix...A grand entertainment [that] inaugurates another series of imaginative, thoroughly idiosyncratic fantasy novels."—Kirkus Reviews (starred review)"The diverse, multifaceted characters, meticulous world building, and complex interhouse conflicts will draw readers into this new, action-packed fantasy series."—Booklist (starred review) “Intricate worldbuilding, fascinating magic, and engaging characters. More please!” —Felicia Day, New York Times bestselling author of You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) “In Foundryside, scriving magic is the cheat code to reality, and Bennett is a master gamer. A refreshing look at magic—featuring a heroine every reader will root for—from one of the smartest writers I know.” —Peter V. Brett, New York Times bestselling author of The Demon Cycle “Inventive, immersive, and thrilling, Foundryside is a fascinating look at how our best intentions can be corrupted—and how wickedly awesome and terrifying gravity belts can be. Do yourself a favor and pick this up.” —Kevin Hearne, New York Times bestselling author of The Iron Druid Chronicles "Fast-paced, intelligent, and fun with a fantastically cool magic system. I can't wait to read the next one." —Brian McClellan, author of The Powder Mage trilogy "Foundryside pulls you in with fast-paced heists, then knocks you down with its innovative magic system. Fun, thoughtful, and thrilling from cover to cover, it's sword-and-sorcery meets computer programming." —James L. Sutter, co-creator of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game "Bennett spins a marvelous tale reminiscent of Sanderson. Foundryside is a gripping story with clever characters, intriguing plot, and spectacular worldbuilding."—Charlie Holmberg, author of the Paper Magician series“The best epic fantasy of the year is also the best cyberpunk of the year. How often do you get to say that?”—Dan Wells, author of I Am Not a Serial Killer“An irresistible, fast-paced adventure that welcomes even non-fantasy fans into its pages, unveiling a remarkable world of magic and intrigue. With non-stop twists, a compelling cast of characters, and an innovative magic system, Foundryside is an altogether terrific read.” —Sebastian de Castell, author of The Greatcoats series
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About the Author
ROBERT JACKSON BENNETT is the author, most recently, of the Divine Cities trilogy, which was a 2018 Hugo Awards finalist in the ‘Best Series’ category. The first book in the series, City of Stairs, was also a finalist for the World Fantasy and Locus Awards, and the second, City of Blades, was a finalist for the World Fantasy, Locus, and British Fantasy Awards. His previous novels, which include American Elsewhere and Mr. Shivers, have received the Edgar Award, the Shirley Jackson Award, and the Phillip K. Dick Citation of Excellence. He lives in Austin with his family.
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See all Editorial Reviews
Product details
Series: The Founders Trilogy (Book 1)
Hardcover: 512 pages
Publisher: Crown (August 21, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1524760366
ISBN-13: 978-1524760366
Product Dimensions:
6.4 x 1.7 x 9.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
260 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#29,959 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I can't believe this came from the writer of the excellent Divine cities books. The only explanation I can come up with is he wrote this in highschool or something as his first ever big writing project, which probably got an A but of course no one would publish it. Then, later he writes some great books and his publisher said "Write more! Got anything else? We'll publish anything you give us!", so he dusted off an old 3.5 inch floppy disk and converted this from its old Word 95 file and here it is.Everything is stilted, the text is repetitive and awful. This is paraphrasing, but there was a page which went something like "She rubbed the large magical scar on her head and reflected about the large magical accident which had scared her head . She wished a magical accident hadn't scared her head so largely, it left her with a largely magical scar. On her head. She itched the scar on her large magical head and thought back to the days when she didn't have a magical scar on her head. Back then it was largely magical, the accident had scarred her (physically, on her head). Her scar itched."About10% in she met a magical item which talks like a modern sarcastic internet person and I stopped reading. Perhaps the rest of the book gets better, but it was causing me pain to read it so I'll never know.The worst part is I bought this 8 days ago and the refund window is a week.
This is a good book.Think of magic like a computer program. You add instructions and arguments and with those you reform reality. The tighter your arguments the stronger and more varied changes you can make to reality. However, imagine being limited by not knowing all the different programming languages and only being able to use certain commands from those languages you do know. The old ones had the language of the gods but they went to war and destroyed themselves. Now people are trying to relearn the words and commands using artifacts and ruins.This book is about a thief. She was a former slave and has abilities not generally found amongst the general populace. All the better to help her thieving. She's hired to steal a small box from security at the dock. A small box and not to look in it at all. Of course, no plan survives contact with the enemy and it all goes pear shaped rather fast. As with any story where you're not supposed to look, she does, and from there our story explodes.This is a good book.
***I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***Oh my word, Robert Jackson Bennett has done it again! With this new endeavour, Foundryside, he graciously allowed us a glimpse of the genius behind the curtain inside his highly unconventional brain. This novel has unbelievably intricate World development, an imaginatively complex magic system and beautifully written characters. It is a high octane, extremely well developed Adult Fantasy that gives us bizarre creations such as people who can Code objects to believe/behave in any manner they so choose.... there are materials that are "scrived" to believe they are bigger, stronger, lighter, faster or just "other" than their true nature. Then there are characters that can alter said devices to make them act however they so choose by questioning and redefining their core directives. There are also weird and wonderful, synapse stretching contraptions aplenty.The first quarter of the book was captivating. I really felt like I couldn't look away. The middle of the book unfortunately felt a bit sluggish. It mostly seemed bogged down with bland/flat character interactions.What it had in spades were moral and social injustices abound. Morality and the very nature of Reality were questioned repeatedly and the results were unique and captivating. Other common motifs included: What does it take to do what's right even if it is in direct opposition with our "true" nature? What about in the face of incredible injustice? What does it mean to have Power and what does it do to the person who wields it? Are we doomed to repeat the mistakes of our predecessors? What happens when the Powerless are suddenly given some power? Will it corrupt? Will it finally be used to benefit the downtrodden? What does it mean to be free? Can you feel free even if you are hardwired for mindless servitude?... and more...The ending left me with nearly as many questions as it answered but all in all this was an interesting, gripping and extremely unique read. It is definitely worth the time!!
I got to meet Jackson at a library event in March before Foundryside was fully revealed. When he described the series, I was figuratively bouncing off the walls in excitement. Pre-ordered it the next day. Then I received an ARC.Holy crap is this story a ride! It's a lot lighter in tone than Divine Cities so it definitely has a different feel despite the main character living in squalor. The setting is like Locke Lamora meets industrial revolution with some Full Metal Alchemist thrown in. Also the dialogue between some of the characters reminds me of Atticus and Oberon in the Iron Druid series. Which kind of ticks all the boxes for me!The characters are fleshed out and they grow. Each character overcomes a lot and realize they have more to go. The plot takes many a twist and turn and at one point towards the end, I had to take a break from reading, things were so intense.Overall, Foundryside is light-hearted and fun yet intense. I cannot wait for book 2!Thank you, good sir, for an excellent read!
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Foundryside: A Novel (The Founders Trilogy), by Robert Jackson Bennett PDF
Foundryside: A Novel (The Founders Trilogy), by Robert Jackson Bennett PDF
Foundryside: A Novel (The Founders Trilogy), by Robert Jackson Bennett PDF
Foundryside: A Novel (The Founders Trilogy), by Robert Jackson Bennett PDF
Free PDF , by Michael Crupain Michael F. Roizen
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Product details
File Size: 33613 KB
Print Length: 346 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1426220111
Publisher: National Geographic; 1 edition (December 31, 2018)
Publication Date: December 31, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#23,805 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Eat fewer processed foods, less simple carbohydrates, more seafood, more fresh vegetables, more fruit, and eat more earlier in the day than later. Oh, and remember what you learned in high school biology. That's it - the entire message of this book, repeated in different ways over and over and over and over . . The authors have inflated a good but simple message with cutesy wisecracks and pretentious 'plans' into a 'book'.
We saw the authors of this book on the Dr. Oz show and were hoping that this would be a book that would provide follow up, easy to follow meal plans. We learned the basic philosophy that the authors subscribe to on Dr. Oz's show, so we were not needing to be schooled in that same information. Unfortunately, the majority of the book is devoted to their philosophy and what to do in exceptional circumstances. We looked through the entire book looking for a simple 30 day meal plan detailing what to eat for each meal with helpful recipes. None of that is provided.Don't waste your money on this confusing, frustrating book!!!
Interested in learning about "When to Eat" and how it affects health. Reading through the endorsements, I saw that doctors Sanjay Gupta and Mehmet Oz had written glowing endorsements. This was encouraging because they had both endorsed Dr. Mark Hyman's book "Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?" I had read and learned a lot about nutrition. However, I found that Dr. Roizen's 'what to eat' recommendations in this book are significantly different from Dr. Hyman's. Roizen says avoid or strictly limit red meat, eggs ( no yolks) and coconut oil while Hyman says pretty much the opposite.Two well known and respected doctors endorsing two books with very different approached to nutrition adds to the confusion and charlatanism associated with health/diet plans and makes me wonder if they all just get together and agree to support each other so that their respective books will sell.
I am SO disappointed in this book! It provides little new information, and, to me, is written in a paternalistic style.For example, eggs had been vilified, then brought back as a nutritional powerhouse, including the yolks. Now the authors say to have a most one egg yolk a week, without explaining the reasoning. We are just to accept it on their say so, without explanation, despite other highly respected MD's endorsing the whole egg. The authors seems to under-estimate the intelligence of their readers. I am back to just trying to eat the way that makes most sense to me, which is food the way it comes in nature, as the whole egg, ( not just the white) the whole apple, not applesauce, whole milk, real fruit and vegetable in their whole form, and so on. I am also disappointed at Dr. Oz's promotion as well. A waste of money for me.
This book offers exactly what the title promises. What to eat. When to eat it. Many readers will have some or part of the model "under their belts" already. My family has the "what" part down pretty well. The timing of food intake is an emerging body of science. The "when" part, as the authors acknowledge in sharing their personal experiences, it going to take adjustment. The book offers a plan for gradual changes. What makes this book different? References! The peer-reviewed journal articles are referenced in the book. I want the science to support making radical lifestyle changes. This isn't the opinion two admittedly engaging physicians, this is both new and old knowledge presented in an easy to read and reference format.I'm puzzled by the scattered poor reviews. Readers criticized the book for old information (mostly the "what" part) and ignored the important modifications of new information or criticized the book because it didn't meet their individual expectation of wanting a short term prescription of menus. This is about lifestyle. Please don't let those reviews mislead you. I'm going to recommend this book to my patients.
This book is just warmed over 90's advice given by old school doctors who can't get over how real people eat. Huge disappointment. All that's different is don't eat large when the sun is down. I really feel cheated!
This book is more than just another handbook for some trendy fad diet. It summarizes the latest research in an entertaining fashion and easy-to-read format on how to eat better and help people lose weight, without making drastic changes in their lives. It’s a much easier approach to stick with in the long term, so I think that’s why many people will find that this is something that is much more simple to follow for the rest of their lives rather than a drastic change for a few months (and then return back to their old eating habits).I see that one of the criticisms from others is that it’s a rather simple book that might point out obvious things... yet these are things that most people do not practice in their daily lives. So I think that there are lot of people who could benefit from the book. As a physician, I will definitely bring up these important eating recommendations to my patients in my OB/GYN practice.One of the best eating instruction books I have read in a long time. I highly recommend it.
As someone who has lived over seven decades, I wish I had had Dr. Roizen and Dr. Crupin’s book fifty years ago. At this point in life, knowing what to eat to relieve stress and to help me get to sleep is a big help. Had I known what to eat when hoping to bring the healthiest baby in to the world or when feeling many butterflies before a job interview, life might have been very much easier. And I am very glad for the advice of what to eat to lessen the chances of suffering from serious illnesses. Yes, I recommend this book with five stars! Marsha Lowry
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